
Massachusetts Woman Charged With DUI / OUI in Multi-Car Attleboro Crash

A Norfolk woman was arrested over the weekend on Massachusetts Drunk Driving Law Violations following a multi-car crash in Attleboro. The woman was arraigned on charges of Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol and Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle.

According to the district attorney’s office, the Norfolk woman was involved in a 5 car crash that occurred on I-95 in Attleboro. According to police, she submitted to a Breathalyzer Test and reported blew a 0.18%.

The woman reportedly has a history of prior drunk driving charges, including an incident in 2006 when she was charged with Leaving the Scene of an Accident Resulting in Personal Injury and Death. In 2009, she was also charged with OUI / DUI and Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle after she was allegedly to have hit a snowbank and was found to be passed out in her vehicle.

Massachusetts’ strict OUI / DUI Laws are prosecuted very aggressively, particularly where the person has prior alcohol-related charges.

Boston DUI / OUI Lawyer Lefteris K. Travayiakis is available 24/7 for consultation on all Massachusetts Drunk Driving Charges.

If you have been charged with OUI / DUI, Click Here to Contact a Massachusetts OUI / DUI Lawyer or call 617-325-9500.

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